Research Rankings Overview

The UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management has created a database to track publications in 24 leading business journals. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 1990. The information in the database is used to provide the top 100 business school rankings since 1990 based on the total contributions of faculty.
Additionally, the database can also be searched by:
- Any journal or combination of journals between the time period 1990 to date to get a ranking of schools
- School name to see a list of publications by a school for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Author name to see a list of publications by an author for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
- Key phrase in article name to see a list of publications containing that phrase for any combination of journals and time period between 1990 to date
The Jindal School of Management maintains and keeps this website current to provide timely data on research productivity in leading research journals across major disciplines in business schools. The school has worked hard to ensure data integrity, but as with any project of this type where the affiliation data is not always clear, some errors may exist. If you spot an error, please send us the corrections at Top 100 Admin.
List of Journals
UT Dallas’ Naveen Jindal School of Management provides a tool to study research articles/notes published in 24 leading journals in major business disciplines. The database contains author and their affiliation information on all research articles/notes published in these journals since 1990. Authors’ affiliations are recorded at the time of the publication.
A single-authored research article/note results in the school of affiliation being credited with a score of 1. If there are multiple authors from different schools, each school gets a score of p/n, where p is the number of authors from the same school and there are a total of n authors on the article. If an author lists multiple affiliations, each of the school that author is affiliated with gets a corresponding scaled score. For example, if one of the n authors lists m affiliations, each school that author is affiliated with gets a score of 1/nm.
The database can be searched by any period between 1990 to the current year for any combination of journals, resulting in aggregated scores for schools. This provides a clear picture of contributions from each school for the selected journals and the time period. The database can also be searched by school names, author names and key phrases in the article’s title.
The Jindal School of Management also provides a ranking of the top 100 schools in North America and Worldwide based on published research articles/notes in all 24 journals for the last five-year time period. The school also provides links to prior rankings starting with the period 2000-2004.
15th June, 2017 Update
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings methodology has been amended effective 15th June 2017. The modification affects business schools whose authors have listed affiliations with either the National Bureau of Economic Research and/or the Centre for Economic Policy Research along with their university affiliations. The new methodology assigns full credit to the author’s university affiliation when computing the rankings (in the prior rankings each affiliation received 1/n where n was the number of affiliations the author listed). This change will be reflected only in the rankings going forward and the prior published rankings have not been amended.
18th March, 2020 Update
The UTD Top 100 Business School Research Rankings methodology has been amended effective 18th March 2020. The modification affects refereed articles in the Journal of International Business Studies. Prior to March 18, 2020, only articles published in the Original Paper category were included in the rankings. Now refereed articles from the other categories are also included in the rankings. This change is reflected in the current rankings and in rankings generated as a result of queries posed within Rankings by Journal.
Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information, the nature and diversity in which author affiliation information is provided in the journals sometimes make it hard to categorize and report the information accurately. UT Dallas’ Jindal School of Management has attempted to verify information using the web when possible.
While searching for articles, author names are provided in the search results. They are not listed in the sequence specified in the published paper. Also note that when information on authors is provided, if the same author is listed twice, it indicates that the author has listed multiple affiliations.
If you believe there is an error in the information provided, please send specific information to the administrator.
The Naveen Jindal School of Management appreciates your input to this ongoing research effort.